Join the National Alliance for Medicaid in Education! You can now register online with your credit card. CLICK HERE to join.
Dues allow you to network with professionals at all levels of this critical area. Membership benefits include newsletters, access to a network of like-minded policymakers, a growing research database with information on various state policies for Medicaid funding in Education, and a directory of members to contact with specific questions. If you register to attend the NAME conference, yearly membership dues are included in the conference fee.
National Alliance for Medicaid in Education, Inc. (NAME) Federal Tax ID# 20-1665471
To obtain a W-9 form, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request from NAME Treasurer.
NAME has two categories of members:
· Voting Members – Individuals employed or contracted by a State Medicaid Agency, State Education Agency or Local Education Agency who have responsibility for administering the Medicaid Administrative Claiming or Direct Billing of school-based health related Special Education or Free Care services provided by public schools.
· Associate Members - Non-voting and include individuals from an agency/organization or company that provides services/supports for school-based health, Special Education or Medicaid in Education, or function as a Medicaid billing agent.
· Local Education Agency (LEA)- An employee of a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a State for either administrative control or direction of, or to perform a service function for, public elementary schools or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a State, or for a combination of school districts or counties as are recognized in a State as an administrative agency for its public elementary schools or secondary schools. This does not include vendors who are not directly employed by the LEA.
· State Education Agency (SEA) - An employee of the State board of education or other agency or officer primarily responsible for the State supervision of public elementary schools and secondary schools, or, if there is no such officer or agency, an officer or agency designated by the Governor or by State law. This does not include vendors who are not directly employed by the SEA.
· State Medicaid Agency (SMA) - An employee of a single State agency administering or supervising the administration of a State Medicaid plan. This does not include vendors who are not directly employed by the SMA.
· Associate Membership - An employee of an agency/organization interested in or company that provides services/supports for school health, Special Education or Medicaid in Education, or functions as a Medicaid billing agent. Vendors of LEAs, SEAs, and SMAs are most often defined as an Associate Member.
Not sure which membership category to select? Click here for assistance.
Membership Terms:
NAME is a national organization comprised of professionals working in the field of Medicaid in the Schools.
Join NAME today and enjoy all the privileges of membership!
Your $50 Membership dues includes:
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